
Software Architecture & Craftsmanship Studio

Explore Domain-Driven Design, Clean Architectures, SOLID principles, and dive into the world of maintainable code.

Avoid Accidental Complexity

Do you spend more time managing tangled code than innovating? It's time to shift your focus to clean architectures and maintainable code by understanding the difference between essential and accidental complexity.

Build Maintainable Applications

Learn how to easily implement Clean Architectures, which offer a solution by separating concerns into distinct layers, enabling maintainable and adaptable software development.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024
Have you ever wondered how to keep track of all the technical debt in your software projects? In this post, we will explore the concept of Technical Debt Records and how they can improve the way we manage the technical debt of our…
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Understanding the business is a fundamental requirement for building successful software solutions. As programmers and software engineers, we must understand how companies operate within their business. By analyzing the business d…
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment or CI/CD have become a key tool for software development. CI/CD makes it easy to deliver code frequently, accurately and with the best quality possible since it removes the requirem…

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