
Have you ever wondered how to keep track of all the technical debt in your software projects? In this post, we will explore the concept of Technical Debt Records and how they can improve the way we manage the technical debt of our projects


Understanding the business is a fundamental requirement for building successful software solutions. As programmers and software engineers, we must understand how companies operate within their business. By analyzing the business domain, we can distill the different subdomains. This will help us to design good systems that are aligned with the business goals, so consequently, this will ensure the success of the business.


Ensuring that infrastructure services, like Repositories or Cache implementations, are reliable is crucial for building sturdy software. In our previous post, Testing Services in Hexagonal Architecture, we talked about unit testing. Now, let's dive into contract testing to check how infrastructure services works with services from other layers. By making sure that different implementations stick to their contracts consistently, we can keep the system reliable without needing complicated setups. This method helps make sure infrastructure services are dependable and that everything integrates smoothly throughout the system.


In software architecture, ensuring effective communication between different components of a system is vital. One effective technique for verifying these connections is through interface mocking. This involves creating mock implementations of interfaces to simulate the behavior of different components. By using these mocks, we can test the services independently, ensuring that the messages they send and receive adhere to a predefined standard, commonly referred to as a "contract". This approach allows us to validate the interactions and functionality of each service without needing the actual implementations or infrastructure.


The Hexagonal Architecture, also known as Ports and Adapters Architecture, divides a system into multiple loosely-coupled and interchangeable components. Unlike traditional layered architecture, Hexagonal Architecture emphasizes a more flexible and modular approach.